Find out about the incredible speakers on the podcast and what they want to plug for you.
Season 1 - Spring

Episode 1: Britt Webster "The forest Gods"
Welcome to the podcast. Find out what it is all about.
Britt opens the podcast's first episode sharing a story they created about trees called "The Forest Gods"
Episode 2: Lauren Hughes "I actually get sea sick"
Lauren, a passionate advocate for eco-sustainability and environmental protection.

Episode 3: Mona Bruckhoff "It's All About Me"
Mona Bruckhoff is the host of the Tree Talks Podcast and in this episode, we get to know her better.
Episode 4: Samantha Burkinshaw "Pride in Trees"
Samantha aka The Splice Witch helps us explore the world of arboriculture. Learn about women in the industry and the importance of expanding the industry together.

Episode 5: Ray Carson "A Connection That Comes From Green"
Beyond his volunteer work with Trees Forever Ray Carson is a humble and approachable individual, always ready to share his knowledge and experiences.

Episode 6: Nia Abbas & Haidi Hui "Family Tree"
10 year old Nia and Haidi share their stories about trees and we learn together the importance of them.
Episode 7: Dave Kendal "An Ear for the Trees"
Dr Dave Kendal director of Future in Nature. Dave gives us just a snippet of the amazing work he is focused on.

Episode 8: Libby Bryne "The Art of Trees"
Libby Byrne an Australian artist and art therapist. Shares about their work 'Being Amongst Trees'

Episode 9: Adam Tom "Doctor in the House"
Adam Tom has been working with trees for nearly 40 years. As a consultant arborist working in Brisbane QLD we hear about how this industry has grown.

Episode 10: Tobin Mitnick "Must Love Trees"
Tobin Mitnick a actor, writer and comedian who has an exceptional way of educating people about the world of North American trees.

Episode 11: Women in Arboriculture Weekend
VTIO (Victorian Tree Industry Organisation) and sponsors help support a free training event in Ballarat, Victoria for women currently in the arb industry and those interested in exploring opportunities in allied industries.

Episode 12: Allissa George "Roots of Knowledge"
Allissa George has been working on bush regeneration for 20 years. Setting roots in Kabi Kabi Country, Liss has learnt many tricks of the trade and is open to share this with anyone that wants to listen.
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